My lease says no pets are allowed but I violated my lease and have/had a pet, what do I do now?
First, you need to tell us about it.
Second, you need to get rid of the animal ASAP so you are not violating the lease anymore.
Third, you are in violation of the lease so you need to read your lease and see what it specifically says regarding penalties and such. Most likely, it says that there is a fee of $500, plus $100 per day that the pet is in the unit, plus a pet inspection fee of $120 after the pet has been removed. If Landlord deems it appropriate, Landlord may then conduct additional follow-up inspections at the rate of $120 per inspection.
Many Tenants try to claim that their pet is actually a service animal but for the pet to legally be considered a service animal, the Tenant must submit a reasonable accommodation request through BEFORE the animal is allowed in the rental. If this has not been done and subsequently approved by Eclipse Property Management & Real Estate, then the animal is not considered a service animal and there is still a lease violation occurring.